In computer programming, the strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a behavioural software design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime.
This document aims to give an easy way to install both Python 2 &3. Python is a useful script programing language, but I never use it before. This is the first time I used. Recently, my manager wants me to write a tool to convert in game xml string table to Excel file. We must use Python3 (Unicode support) to deal with multi-language, and sadly our game compiler is based on Python 2… So, it’s also my first problem to face with.
本篇講如何用Google Blogger(blogspot)與Facebook的留言同步, 相信這對想用Facebook來做宣傳, 或是想自動同步留言到粉絲團 自動分享貼文都非常有幫助.
我這次突然換成Blogger的教學, 是因為幫朋友弄Blogger主題時, 發現這個好玩的全部自動化功能, 也讓我開始當起新手前端工程師了, 從修改html+css到現在弄了一些JavaScript, 自己也學到了不少= =+.